EU is still running amok with its shenanigans for personal gain at the cost of the people. The Parliament voted yes to the Copyright Directive, despite a lot of members afterwards claiming they pressed the wrong button or were too confused at the moment to realize what they were voted on. Either admitting to be that stupid or to really be stupid enough to think it’ll lessen the negative feedback for selling out the public for personal agendas.
Today they discuss the coming council vote on finalizing the new Directive.
They have also been working on a new regulation meant to use same tools to try and censor and filter the Internet, but now with the terrorism scare as their tool instead of just copyright infringement. Either version is about restricting the freedom of speech through heavily filtering of all content uploaded, to sort out anything our “dear” leaders don’t like.
We still have time to make our protests in all of this. They can’t keep ignoring the people, thinking their personal gain will outweight the loss the rest of us will suffer.
If all else fails, just remember this mess for the coming parliament representative vote next month. Where we’ll at least get a say in who we want to keep representing us.