I wanted to keep her design simple, I’m not all that happy with her hairstyle and I might change it one day. I tried as best I could to make her color go with the rest of the mane 6, we already have yellow, orange, pink, blue, purple, and white for the coat colors so I went with green, since it hasn’t been used yet. I know I probably could have used a variation of those, like how Starlight is a purple-ish pink, but I thought green fit the theme better. I just used a darker green for the mane, like how Pinkie has a light pink coat and a darker pink mane. I used the shade of green from Rainbow’s mane since I wanted one of the colors on her to be one that is also used on another of the mane 6. Since that all have a color that is on one of the others. Also green representing “green with envy”
All the mane 6 have sort of a three part cutie mark, be it 3 separate of the same thing or three different colors on the lightning bolt. So I just gave her three clovers.
I kind of based the clovers on an idea from the movie Glass, where there is a secret society with tattoos of 3 leaf clovers and their goal is to eliminate the supers or 4 leaf clovers of the world. So 3 leaf clovers are regular people, and 4 leaf are those with superpowers.
The 4 leaf on her cutie mark represent how she wants to be someone important or someone special (a 4 leaf) like the mane 6, but they are purple and not the type of clovers that are actually considered lucky. So she’s a false protagonist.
I gave her eyes shaped similar to Twilight’s but with four curved lashes, I wanted to give her an eye type that none of them have. Since, none of the mane 6 have the same eye type.
I think she would end up being redeemed.