Rainbow Dash:
Pinkie Pie:
Fluttershy: MLP Flowers of Harmony - Kindness
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Luna and Celestia
MLP Flowers Of Harmony - Cutie Mark Crusaders
Cadence: MLP Flowers of Harmony - Love
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Spike
MLP Flowers of Harmony- Whooves Duo
Bon Bon & Lyra: MLP Flowers of Harmony - Sweet Ingenuity
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Big Mac - Endurance
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Night Glider - Rebirth
Sunset Shimmer: MLP Flowers of Harmony - Bonds
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Discord - Absurdity
MLP Flowers of Harmony -The Apple Family
Starlight Glimmer: MLP Flowers of Harmony - Resolution
MLP Flowers of Harmony - Flower Pony Trio
MLP Flowers of Harmony- Carrot and Cup Cake
MLP Flowers of Harmony- Sassaflash And Caramel
This is the 38th of my series designing clothes for ponies with a flower theme. Finished with the mane six, this time I picked the flowers based on the flora’s meaning closest to what Princess Skystar seems to be associated with, keeping what colors suited her best in mind.
Princess Skystar’s flower is the Kalanchoe. In the language of flowers it generally represents endurance and lasting affection. It can also symbolize wealth and prosperity.
Ugh, I forgot to post this last week. Originally was going to post this for MerMay, but didn’t have quite enough time that month. I’m not too proud of my paint job this time around as I got a little too dark on Skystar’s shading to make her pop against the background. Here’s hoping I do better next month.