As soon as I watched the episode, I decided to dedicate a drawing to it and this is the result, just a simple image of the two adults and their daughter, just showing them together, not a random episode review image or screencap re-depiction of some sort, I just wanted to show this lovely family together, sharing their love towards eachother. This is why we only see the filly cuddling with the tall strong stallion, Snap Shutter, and the slim pegasus mare, Mane Allgood without many things in the background, just something simple to fully focus on what is happening in the foreground.
In this image, I wanted to play not only with their physique and body shapes to show their differences and give them some kind of real proportions, I also wanted to play around with colours and a wonderful colour combination of orange tones and shades of blue/purple to create contrast and yet a hearty mood and atmosphere for the viewer to enjoy. I have to say I like this colour scheme and it feels good looking at it (allthough some saturation got missing when I transferred this image from my Mobile Studio to my working PC). However, I have to say I am happy with how this turned out and how they all differ and yet make a complete unity of a loving family now that they finally reunited after a long time of Scoot’s parents being absent because of their jobs. We will see if there might be more of them in the future, I doubt it, but I wanted to give this image to you as a tribute to the latest episode.
I’m really looking forward to your feedback and I really hope you like this one^^