Although Dusk spends most of his early childhood in Twilight’s castle, he quickly learns of his condition as an illegitimate child and decides to move out of Twilight’s house. He moves in with his father Sunburst, where he begins his apprenticeship to become the Empire’s wizard. Dusk is an extremely talented pony, showing great promise as an excellent spell caster.
Twilight misses her son, but he chooses to “remain in exile”, unknown to the world.
Some facts:
-Sunburst and Twilight did co-parent him at some point. But Sunburst’s work was in the Crystal Empire, so he leaves. Dusk decides to move out shortly after his father leaves.
-Despite being a unicorn, Dusk has feathers dusting all over his shoulders, around the area where wings should be.
-Dusk has a neat relationship with his aunt and cousins, thought Flurry is an exception.
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