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Because I think every pony generation should have their victory donuts after defeating the movie/season’s big villain, or, in their cases, restoring magic in their land.
OH GOSHHHHHHHH, after my “Monsters At Work” pic I thought for sure I could handle another group pic. But I underestimated these designs. They’re so much more detailed than the monster ones X_X This pic kicked my butt, but I’m overall pretty happy with the result. I was talking with Orin about how, now that the ponies are 3D, it’s a lot harder to interpret them in 2D fanart. And we’re both kinda hoping that when their show eventually comes out, its animation is 2D. It just makes things easier ;u;
Also, you can probably tell that I modified my pony style a tad to adapt it more to the movie models, and I gotta admit, I’m quite digging it. I think this style adapts to mine significantly better than the previous gen. Or at least I like these types of snouts better. :P So chances are I’ll use this new way of drawing ponies more in the future, even if it’s G4 stuff I draw. So I hope you guys like it ^^
I didn’t end up doing my other journal with my in-depth thought on the movie sorry ;v; But here they are in a nutshell: (SPOILERS) These characters are pretty charming, I’m not a fan of Sprout, the how’s and why’s about this whole great pony divide have me SCRATCHING MY HEAD but I hope they explain it a bit more in the series, Hitch is my fav, I love the songs and “Together” is my fav (“Fit Right In” if we only count songs that are in the actual movie), aaaaaaaaand… I kinda hope Sunny only becomes an alicorrn on occassion because those holo wings and horn would look kinda weird if she had them all the time from now on.
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Petition for all future generations to keep the victory donuts tradition alive. 🍩✨
New pony movie was cool.