One line of work was open to her, A local Bar on the edge of town, mainly because they take any pony they could, as long as they looked pretty enough to bring in costumers. Other then booze, it offered chems, exotic dancers, as well acted as a brothel. Many of the working ponies there were former raiders, most working just to feed their chem addiction. Though the line of work was far from fun for her, she found herself among ponies she could relate to, and whom accepted her violent nature for what it was. their she worked as a dancer, and part time bouncer, quickly becoming a bit of a big sister for some of the working mares, who commonly turned to her for safety.
The rest of her family disprove of the work she was doing, most of all her adopted mother Prism Paint, and agreed to keep it a secret from her daughter, as well for when a better job comes along, to take it. Sadly, the towns memory was slow to fade, and her now association with the bar, and its former raider workforce would only further ostracize her with the rest of the town. Though she keeps her nose clean, as far as any pony knows, it has long become clear to her that the towns Sharif is waiting for any opportunity to get rid of her. As for Star, if the Sharif, or any of her deputies ended up in a shallow grave, she would not shed a tear.