“Come on, creepy old geezer! Let’s do this!”
“You, child of the Wendigo. You, should be put right in your place… This should be easy >:))”
Accurus is the head master mind of Team Terminator: a sinister organization that focuses on transforming Pokemon into powerful Vexmon. Accurus used to be a well renowned scientist who went under the full name Accurus Van Keyarilis. His study of Pokemon went full send beyond the call of duty to study every aspect about new Pokemon types and Pokemon in general. However, something happened to Accurus where he went under a determined mindset to study vex and the capabilities of Pokemon and Pokemon moves. Unfortunately, Accurus got caught experimenting the outer limits of teaching a young lady’s purugly into teaching moves that it couldn’t learn. How he got caught resulted in the purugly crying out for help as Accurus was trying to keep it in captive. Accurus then after the innocent lost his job as a scientist which resulted in his outrage to Insanity and therefore into a complete madman.
Accurus never truely made his full appearance till near the end of the Team Terminator Plot Arc episode titled “The Vex Master Mind”, where he challenged Milly Darkelf with his Pokemon that he hacked an. Modified. He was defeated by Milly’s Regioxic when Regioxic punched him in the face with Drain Punch.
Accurus made a surprising return as a contestant in the Nessoasis Battle Tornament in the SPS Pokemon episode titled “The Sound Trial and the Nessoasis Tornament.” It seems that Accurus was brought back to life by some unsaid vex technology, however, in result his body became more weak yet his posture became more intimidating. He was caught and arrested by Officer Jenny towards the end of the Tornament.
Question is, who will win?:
Jade’s team which consists of;
And Miltank
Or Accurus’s Team of his hacked Pokemon which consists of;
His original Shadow Giratina: which has now Shadow Force, First Impression, Outrage, and Arua Sphere
A Metallic Pharomosa: with Volt Tackle, Freeze Dry, Triple Kick, and Trop Kick
His original Metallic Poliwrath: with Dynamic Punch, Origin Pulse, Blue Flare, and Octozooka
A Genesect: with Eruption, Sunsteel Strike, Spirit Shackle, and Bone Rush
A Chrome Tyrantrum: with Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Doom Desire, and Play Rough
And his Mega Charizard X: with Lava Plume, Oblivian Wing, Dragon Ascent, and Dragon Pulse