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She’s a 25 years old unicorn pony, and she’s Totem Paul’s sister, who was separated from her a long time ago, she grown on the bay’s piers, surrounded by pirates and even she trained to become catpain of her own crew and her own ship, on a while, she met Pipsqueak on Trottingham, who admired her. Despite the adventurous life, hunting undersea riches, sailing across the seven seas and the strong emmotions that every pirate can live and enjoy, Jolie still feeling nostalgia about not knowing about his brother’s whereabouts, since like him, Jolie is also on his search, crossing the wide seas. Jolie also has demonstrated to be an excellent fighter with her sword, her strenght and agile reflexes give her the advantage to attack and defense herself, she also met Phineas NightAnchor, so he helped her to know some about her brother, Jolie also knows to use her magic to combat, also her abilities include; Map readings, nautical legends teller, good cooking. She likes drinking lemon tea, playing concertina music and she likes eating seaweeds.
Age: 25 years old
Relatvives: Totem Paul (Brother)
Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Pipsqueak, Steven Magnet, Phineas NightAnchor, Fancy Pants, Derpy Hooves, Spike, Trixie
Worst Friends (Enemies): Flim and Flam brothers, Garble, Iron Will, Prince Blueblood, Trixie (Formerly)
Cutie Mark: A cross bones flag, two swords and a red marking ‘‘X’’
House: A Pirate Ship in the middle of the sea, near to Phineas NightAnchor’s family house
Abilities: Fighting, Sword skills, Swimming, Map Reading, Cooking, Nautical Legends teller
Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of The Caribbean
Likes: Ships, Cross Bones, Treasures, Seagulls, Concertina music, The Sea, Lemon Tea, Seaweeds, Swords, Flags


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