Age: 25 years old
Relatvives: Totem Paul (Brother)
Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Pipsqueak, Steven Magnet, Phineas NightAnchor, Fancy Pants, Derpy Hooves, Spike, Trixie
Worst Friends (Enemies): Flim and Flam brothers, Garble, Iron Will, Prince Blueblood, Trixie (Formerly)
Cutie Mark: A cross bones flag, two swords and a red marking ‘‘X’’
House: A Pirate Ship in the middle of the sea, near to Phineas NightAnchor’s family house
Abilities: Fighting, Sword skills, Swimming, Map Reading, Cooking, Nautical Legends teller
Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of The Caribbean
Likes: Ships, Cross Bones, Treasures, Seagulls, Concertina music, The Sea, Lemon Tea, Seaweeds, Swords, Flags