“Hey, sorry, almost didn’t see ya there! Name’s Cloudy Skies.” Parents: Rainbow Dash, Spitfire Species: Pegasus Special talent: Weather manipulation (clouds) Occupation: Weather Factory manager Nickname(s): Cloudy
Son of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, Cloudy Skies is a relatively mild-mannered stallion. He inherited his mothers’ speed and enjoys racing and is rather tall; most ponies are intimidated by his size until he starts talking and they realize he’s really just friendly and a little bit goofy. Cloudy’s special talent involves weather production – specifically, he has a knack for producing spectacular cumulonimbus clouds. He works as a manager in the Cloudsdale weather factory. Despite his rather slow-witted outward appearance, Cloudy is surprisingly smart but struggled in school because of special needs that went undetected until he was very far behind. Because of this, he struggles with feeling unintelligent and like he’s worth less than his siblings, although his moms do their best to reassure him that this isn’t true.
Cloudy is close with both of his moms and always makes time for a home-cooked meal with them and tends to be closer with them than his sister is. His relationship with Cloudy is relatively tense because she took out a lot of her frustration at feeling ignored on him when they were younger (Cloudy needed more care due to his issues), but they’re trying to mend their relationship with each other.
Cloudy is best friends with Ambrosia and enjoys spending a lot of time with her, taking time to even help out on the farm once and a while when she’s too busy to hang out away from work. They dated for a brief period of time before separating amicably and remain as friends through the current day.
Cloudy loves to hum or sing to himself while he works, often making up songs as he does so. He has a surprisingly good singing voice for it not being his special talent.
Cloudy can become very competitive when he wants to be and takes full advantage of his tremendous speed to leave his competitors in the dust. His main issue is actually working himself up enough to push himself further and further, much to Dash’s frustration.