Her magic isn’t very strong. It’s definitely nothing near what Woewhinny’s was.
I know that I could easily break free of it. Pull my head away, or just even stand still, and she wouldn’t really be able to force me anywhere.
But that would be disobeying her, you know? It’d be challenging her authority, and I don’t want to do that. The longer we’ve been together the more scary the idea becomes. It’s not just because of like, fear of her punishing me although that’s part of it. I mean, like.
Free will is a weird thing, you know? You always have a choice. I could always insult her or toss something at her face or flip the carriage while she’s in it and leave her in a ditch but like, you know, those aren’t reasonable choices. They aren’t real choices.
I have the free will to sneak into Canterlot and toss a flower pot at Celestia’s head but that’s honestly not something I could ever want to do. I could choose to do that, but, honestly, I really couldn’t. That isn’t an actual choice available to me.
In that same way, I couldn’t actually break free of her magic very easily.
Her magic wouldn’t need to be terribly strong at all for her to drag me wherever she wanted.
I doodled/scribbled this while watching Shrek 2
would not recommend Shrek 2
would recommend avoiding Shrek destroy Shrek the terror will never end someone save us all”