Name: Parfum
Age: 24
Kind: Unicorn
Build: Silm, Slightly taller than the average
Sex: Female
Human Name: Hastie
Gender: Male He/Him
Nickname(s): None
Sibling/s: Diamante (Half Brother)
Theme song/s: I’m Weird…
Voice actor: TBA
Voice Description: it’s smooth and Soft, speaks in a very low tone, almosts a whisper
Likes: Being heard, Silence, writing, helping; magic in general, stars, princess Luna, Hats
Dislikes: Not being heard, repeating things, misspellings, Loud noises, rock music, Strong smells, Dirty words, Being teased, rude ponies, crowds.
Parents: Coco Pommel and Fancy Pants
Special Talent/Cutie Mark: It’s an old Bottle of perfume, it symbolizes his Talent on making perfume
Occupation: Magic Student, Perfume maker
Personality: Clever, creative and slightly Petty, vain but overall pretty shy Parfum is a quiet character that buries himself in his work, or in awkward situations in his own mane, he absolutely loathes any social contacts unless you’re his few friends or family