Anyway, For those who don’t know who these guys are, it role call time! Starting from left to right:
Chocolate Cheesecake - Male / Earth Pony / Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie
Tranquil Spring - Male / Pegasus / Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants.
Sweet Deal - Female / Unicorn / Applejack and Flim
Hazy Sky - Male / Unicorn / adopted by Princess Twilight Sparkle
Fang - Male / Dragon-changeling hybrid / Thorax and Spike
Sirius Veil - Male / Unicorn / Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle
Green Tea - Male / Unicorn / Tree Hugger and Trenderhoof
Serenade (Chopin) - Male / Unicorn / Neonlights and Vinyl Scratch
Skyla - Female / Pegasus / adopted by Princess Cadence and Consort Shining Armor
Toxic Love - Male / Changeling / Queen Chrysalis and Mane-iac
Desert Moon - Female / Alicorn-Sphinx / Princess Luna and Sphinx dude
Olive Branch - Male / Unicorn / King Sombra and Amber Leaf
Parfait - Male / Earth Pony / Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie
Lapis Hondo Lazuli (Hon)- Male / Rarity
Stardust - Male / Unicorn / Starlight and Sunburst
Sun Flare - Male / Unicorn / Starlight and Sunburst
Epic Rhyme - Female / Earth Pony / Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants
Crescent Moonstone - Female / Unicorn / adopted by Rarity
Anansi - Male / Draconeques / Discord and Zecora
Hm, apparently I don’t have a lot of female Next Gens. I never noticed that.