“Lookie here who finally got herself to expand this little story of hers a bit more
This scenario takes place in the hospital, shortly after Rainbow was found collapsed in the Sweet Apple Acres.
All the girls were there, waiting in the hospital hall. Doctors told them everything about Rainbow Dash’s state that she didn’t tell them and now, they needed time to deal with it in their own way. Rarity was sitting on the chair, leaning on the wall. She was silently comforting sobbing Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Twilight was nervously walking in circles, probably waiting for something to happen. Finally, Applejack was just coming their way.
“Oh, Apple~~”
“YOU,” Applejack interrupted Twilight sharply, causing her purple friend to stare at her in shock. “YOU KNEW.” Twilight felt confused, not knowing what to do or say to an obviously angry pony in front of her.
“Applejack, I~~”
“YOU KNEW ABOUT EVERYTHING. YOU knew her state wasn’t gettin’ better! YOU knew she was in an incredible danger every day she spent out there! YOU knew how bad things could have happen and YOU DIDN’T TELL ANYONE! What were you thinkin’, Twilah?! Did you gone insane?! Why didn’t you tell us anything?!” Applejack was shouting at her in rage. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING?!” screamed the orange pony once more.
“I… I… I’m sorry, Applejack, but Raibow Dash didn’t want me to tell anypony.”
“Rainbow didn’t want you to tell? Rainbow’s awfully badly sick, do you think she has clean enough head to make such kind of decisions?!”
“Yes. I think that Rainb-”
“Well, Ah don’t care about what do you think anymore! You’ve missed the right time for you to speak, princess.”
“Ap-pl-pl-j-jack…” Pinkie Pie said with her trembling voice, as she was forced to be a witness of this argument between her friends.
“Stay out of this, Pinkie!” yelled the orange mare.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Twilight started to put herself more together, as she greatly disapproved of the tone, which AJ used to cut her friend off.
“Oh that’s enough indeed,” some new voice joined them, and as Twilight turned around, nurse Red Heart stood right next to her. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask you to lower your voices or leave. You are in the hospital, we can’t have this kind of unwanted fuss in here.” All the looks then felt upon Applejack, who was staring at Twilight.
“You have no idea what you might have done, do ya?” she let out to her in low voice, before she turned around and left the group in the hall behind.