Key Lime Pie is from the pony version of Australia and her way of talking is too quick and jumbled for most ponies to understand. She is also a bit of a hippie, always trying to get her two friends to ‘drift like a cloud’ or whatever. She is the one who initiated the friendship by picking Crescent as her bunkmate.
Pixel Blossom is from Canterlot, and as such has a British accent. According to others, she sounds way too stuck up to be nice but she is actually really sweet. She is the straight man of the group, usually being the one to reign in Key when she goes wild. She and Key have been friends for a while. Pixel was the one who pointed of Crescent from everyone else in the crowd.
Note: this is my first try at using paint tools sai like all the cool kids so it might not look that nice. Hopefully, I’ll improve with time.
Key Lime Pie and Pixel Blossom were adopted from… damn, I forgot the name but I’ll figure it out, i swear. In the mean time, Key Lime Pie is the Pegasus, Pixel Blossom is the earth pony and Crescent Moonstone is the unicorn.