Parents; Hoity Toity and Photo Finish
Age; 19
Cutie Mark; Two bottles of nail polish
Personality; Growing up among a photographer and a well-known fashionista, Trendy Fad knew nothing but the spotlight and had been a foal model when she was young. As she grew up, she realized that neither fashion nor photography were her thing and began dabbing in other areas. She found out she has a good eye for makeup, finding her cutie mark when she helped one of her father’s models with their make up and thus earning her cutie mark. After that, she pursued her talent as a makeup artist, focusing heavily on her father and mother’s clients. She doesn’t have a thick accent like her mother, but speaks with regality of that of a celebrity foal should have. She’s not afraid to speak the truth and is more than happy to help ponies by teaching others how to properly apply makeup. She’s thinking about opening up her own beauty parlor focusing on making ponies look their best.
Had Trendy designed for awhile, but finally finalized her look <3
Trendy Fad © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro