A quick clitche doodle of Riddle and Sleepwalker from time when he was a villian.Riddle is one of Equestria “last resorts”. When world is coming to the end, and the power of friendship doesn’t work, he’s one of creatures that has to fix it. Like it happend durning Sleepwalker’s attack.For Sleepwalker it was the first contact with power like this, making him develop some kind fascination/crush for Riddle. He’s still amazed by his magic skills and respects him.Riddle on the other hand is still too deep in his incestious crush for Celestia, and despises Sleepwalker too much to even consider him as a friend.Extras:- There’s more of guardians like Riddle. One of them is…Easter Egg.- Celestia, Luna and Discord are having a little tea parties once in a month, just to seek for possible brides for Riddle. Sometimes Twilight and Cadance joins them too. They treat it as a case of national security XD-Jade is also on a list as a possible candidate, but she and Riddle usually use it to make jokes.- Nebula is trying to sabotage every meeting like this. She’s afraid of Riddle getting the throne after he will get married (and when she’ll finally assasinate Celestia of course)…she’s just very bad at it.-Jade doesn’t really like the idea of Moonbeam guarding Sleepwalker.
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