Born a runt out of hundreds of siblings, Broken Mirror didn’t even have a name as she was not expected to live by the hive. How wrong they were.
She was cruel, sadistic and creative. Through her short adolescence she ensured her survival by murdering her siblings. In dark corners she strangled, broke necks and slit throats. As she matured and reached the age where Changelings learn the sexual arts barely half her nest mates remained.
Chrysalis began to take notice of her. Though no one could prove it was her, there was no other explanation as to how she survived to this point.
As she learned the carnal arts and her body underwent a metamorphosis, the nameless runt only became more deadly. She seduced all of her instructors and murdered and humiliated them sexually. At this point Chrysalis gave er the name Broken Mirror and assigned her to the tutelage of her Elite Assassin Guard.
Broken Mirror also continued murdering her siblings. Eventually only a handful remained by the time of the Invasion of Canterlot.
After the disaster on Canterlot, Broken Mirror was trapped in the Crystal Caves. Down there Broken preyed on the Royal and Night Guardsponies sent down to clear the caverns. She used every trick in the books, stalking them, impersonating their comrades and loved ones, even mimicking the Princesses. No matter the method she would always sexually humiliate them, be they stallion or mare.
When the Royal and Night Guard mustered an all out assault on the caverns they found a chamber full of dozens of dead mares and stallions. Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies and Bat Ponies all posed in humiliating sexual ways.
Broken Mirror had slipped right past them. She returned to her Queens side to be named Chrysalis’ Blade. To cement her position ones the Queen’s favoured assassin, Broken Mirror murdered both the Captain of the Guard and the Master of the Assassin Guard. This was largely as her new position granted her breeding rights with Queen Chrysalis and the other two were also suitors. Their replacements knew well who was the favourite.
When Thorax and Starlight usurped Queen Chrysalis, Broken was on assignment to the Crystal Empire. She couldn’t believe that her Queen had fallen and set out immediately to find her. Many loyal Changelings and the entirety of the Elite Assassin Guard rallied to Broken and they united with the true Queen.
Broken Mirror burns with the desire to avenge the humiliation of her Queen. That Thorax was one of her siblings she didn’t murder torments Broken daily. And the one sister that still survived, Mirror Mirror also betrayed Queen Chrysalis also eats at her sanity. Broken will not rest until she has killed and sexually humiliated all who dared to ruin her Queen.