She gives an impressed whistle as she finds the box full of jewels and golden jewelry. She tries on some… Well, most of the jewelry on. Just for fun. After all, who knows when she’ll get to do this next? Hopefully soon.
As Ruby pulls jewelry out of the box she finds a large, perfectly spherical blue gem. Ruby takes the only piece of jewelry on her currently that was actually hers and attempts to fit the jewel into her earring.
It fits! In fact, it fits so well that it surprises her a little bit. She wonders if Barber will let her keep it. Probably not, but she can hope. She knows for a fact Barber is going to chew out Rat and Sleepy for nearly botching the robbery, so Barber probably won’t be in a very good mood.
Ruby takes all the jewelry sans the blue gem and puts it back in the box.
Inventory & Spells -