Parents; Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee
Age; 19
Cutie Mark; Two bags of money
Personality; Suave, charismatic and classy like his parents, Riches surely knows how pull off the act of a wealthy pony. He doesn’t mind his life and where he stands, often taking in the benefits of his class. He mainly hangs around Prince Blueblood’s son, Blue Ribbon, but he’s not far from his younger sister usually.
Crown Jewel
Parents; Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee
Age; 17
Cutie Mark; A crown with a large purple jewel
Personality; Jewel is nothing but what her name implies. A huge and spoiled daddy’s girl, Jewel takes her time to learn etiquette and the journey of becoming a professional model like her mother one day. She can’t help herself to a good sale, but she takes time out of her schedule to help with charity and using her money for good oppose to her brother.
Rag Riches, Crown Jewel, art © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro