“Don’t know too much about it, but it’s a tough crowd.” The zebra says solemnly, “Got it’s name from some zebra who got so much blood on him that his stripes turned red. I mean I doubt that actually happened, but it’s a good story.”
Emerald asks if the fact that they used potions mean that they might be young college alchemists.
“Maybe? In all probability they have someone making the potions for them and are just chucking them around. That’d be my guess.” The cook says.
Emerald asks how his wife was captured.
“One of them thugs knocked her out. She tried to stop them from throwing the bombs everywhere and she got a hoof to her face as a reward. I ran out to try to save her but… Well, look at me now.” He says, gesturing to himself the best that he can in his condition.
Emerald thanks the zebra for his time and wishes him a speedy recovery. The pair then leaves, and when they get back to Loupe and Nishan, Emerald explains everything.
“Oh, I see!” Ruby says. Emerald forgot that she can’t speak any Zebra.
“Do you know anything about the Red Stripe, Nishan?” The mare asks her friend.
“It’s a dive bar, and like he said, it’s a pretty tough crowd. It’s not like ponies aren’t allowed, but you’d get the stink eye if you went in. I’m also certain that foals like yourself wouldn’t even be let anywhere near the door.” The zebra says, nodding to Emerald.
End of Chapter 47!
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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