“Mmph?” Ember stirred. “Flurry? Did…did you say something?” she yawned and nudged closer to her partner in bed.
“Sorry Embie, I woke you. Go back to sleep,”
“No…I’ve been up…for hours..”
“You do not shush…the Lord Ember.”
“I do if I can make you squeal like you did last night,” Flurry Heart blew on Ember’s nose.
“You’re one to talk,” Ember sat up and stretched. “If you tell even ONE soul, I will put you in a box and ship you back to the Crystal Empire with a note saying “Please keep her”.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” Flurry Heart put a hoof on either side of the dragons face. “Besides, you can’t get rid of me.”
“Watch me,” Ember grinned.