Androgynous Mod is unsure which one got the Y-chromosome.Genderbending meme from tumblr, where we were challenged to draw our OC’s or sonas along with their genderbend version.I purposely draw Puffy androgynous, and she has indeed been mistaken for a boy on several occasions. Offline people, mostly strangers. have indeed had issues with guessing my gender, especially if I hide my hair or keep it cut short. At least until they hear my feminine voice, I’ve had been look at me surprised going “OH, you’re a GIRL?” when I start talking. I’ve had kids walk up to me to ask if I’m a boy or a girl, while I was wearing nothing but a swimsuit. At same occasions I’ve had adults think I’m not hearing them as they converse with each other about my gender, while others just ask out loud, apparently not caring if I hear them.So, if I or my persona was genderbend I’m pretty sure same rules would apply. The gender would be hard to tell without a certain hair length as a tell tale sign for others. The voice might change though.So, I thought it would be the perfect setup for a silly joke. Enjoy!
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