Name: Honey Suckle
Age: 18 for eternity (age she died)
Species: demon
Sex: female
Reason she went to hell and became a demon: Her first intimate partner was a mare back when it was frowned upon more
How she died: suicide (I’ll explain it)
Personality: sweet, caring, gentle, curious, shy (exact opposite of what a stereotypical demon is like)
Why she committed suicide:
When her family found out she slept with a girl before they could wed her off to a stallion, they despised her. (this is during the time religion is strong with nearly everyone). They felt like if she wasn’t cleansed, she would bring disgrace to the family, and that she’d burn in hell. They thought she chose her attraction to the mare, thus they thought she was mentally ill, sending her away to an institute. Despite all the scalding cleansing baths, abuse, and treatments of the facility, honey still felt attraction to mares. Seeing she’d never get out of that place, and what it did to ponies, she killed herself before she’d go crazy herself. She feared losing her mind like all the others. She wanted to keep her happy memories in tact and not lose them. So, one night while everyone was locked away in their cells, Honey cried out, asking for got to forgive her, and that hopefully her family would understand, she then used a ragged edge on her bed to slit her wrists, begging for the sweet release of freedom. When she awoke, her white coat had turned a light orange-red color, along with her hair turning from purple to black. Noticing her horns, wings, and fangs, she knew god never forgave her for liking mares. Now a demon, she wanted to be a nice demon; be kind to everypony she met, in hopes of finally getting out of hell.