Age: 24
Gender: female
Occupation: factory manager
Cutie mark: bomb with a short fuse
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: grey/ dark blue
Sexual orientation: straight
Species: unicorn
Commonly worn Accessories:
Black hair ties
Reading glasses but only at work for health and safety reasons
Aquatic fish
finishing work on time
Binge watching tv series’
Video games
‘Fake’ ponies
Going shopping
Small talk
Crying foals
Will put herself on the line for her few close friends
Tries to bring out the best in ponies that have potential
Has a soft side for animated cartoons though she denies it
Takes pride in her work
Can comfort ponies in need
Short tempter
tends to bottle up her problems and take it out on those closest to her
Anti social
Borderline alcoholic
Doesn’t get enough sleep
Can’t function without caffeine
Only has basic hygiene and doesn’t take care of her appearance
Messy and lazy at home
Binges on junk food
Don’t let her bright colour scheme fool you, some will use that as an icebreaker which quickly gets them shot down. Growing up from a divorced family she soon realised taking care of number 1 is a priority, though she is still on good terms with both parents. Tetra has a few close friends but doesn’t see them often as she prefers to unwind after work alone. She got her cutie mark after leading a group of fillies to victory in the annual hoofball tournament to by losing her temper at her weaker teammates.
At first she was upset with her mark but learned to accept it after a few weeks. She works at the mane comb factory as a senior member of staff, her underlings are the most productive of the company as they don’t want to get on the wrong side of her.
She keeps her self to herself for the most part. She will always step in if something isn’t done right and will devote her own time to ensure mistakes don’t happen twice.