
Hi guys, first of all I will make it clear that this is like a theory or rather a scenario “What if ..?”
In this example will be: Star Swirl the bearded.  
We’ve heard of him since the first season and I always felt intrigued when they talked about him. And now he’s a canon in season 7. The truth, the character disappointed me a little for his behavior, but that’s my thing …
Now I will talk about the timelines in which Star Swirl appears (The number of timelines, I list them by a random number or by the number of the season).
The Timeline 7: In this timeline is the one we already know, it is season 7 and we see a Star Swirl blinded by his pride and he does not listen to others, and he is grumpy and learns from his mistakes until the end.
Timeline 4: This is season 4, when you talk about Tirek, it shows a Flashback where his brother Scorpan makes friends with a unicorn, obviously it’s Star Swirl … but I thought that Star Swirl did not know anything about friendship? What happened to this friendship? … What would have happened, maybe Scorpan leave a scar on Star Swirl and that’s why he thinks: “A villain, always a villain” (Maybe it’s not a timeline, maybe it’s the reason why Star Swirl did not to have friends).
Timeline 5: We also know this, there was an explanation in EG Rainbow Rock, and in the comic: Fiendship is magic # 3 reveals how Star Swirl defeats the sirens alone. Of course you will say it was before season 7, but remember that if the sirens are already a canon, then “the alternate universes (like Equestria Girls could already be canon)”, then the parallel universes or time lines could exist.
Timeline 10: In fact my favorite timeline, shows us a more fatherly, sympathetic, empathic Star Swirl, etc. Besides that he loved studying dimensional travel. And he was the one who created the prototype of a magic mirror to travel to other dimensions (and then create the mirror to go to the human world).
Okay, you think that one of these Star Swirl, is able to travel to another universe to know himself. (Like Rick Sanchez of “Rick and Morty”)
Which of these 3 Star Swirl is your favorite?



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