Rarity x Night Glider: Nightlight Aurora
Nightlight is a sweet, gentle mare. Unlike her mothers, she’s rather quiet and shy, and doesn’t like socializing. Her talent is writing, and she stays inside most of the time, scribbling in her notebooks about story ideas and writing.
Pinkie Pie x Derpy: Dizzy Whistle
Dizzy is a silly, excited goofball. She’s always baking new sweets and cookies. She has an obsession with any kind of cake, and will often sneak pieces of said cake into her room and eat it. Dizzy has a dark side, however. Anytime she’s walking with a friend, and someone makes fun of them, her mane goes flat and she explodes (not literally). Her talent is baking, and her most favorite thing to bake, is of course, cake.
Twilight Sparkle x Lightning Dust: River Breeze
Breeze is a laid back, sporty pony. She will do anything to compete and win with others, and isn’t afraid to gloat about it. Her talent is painting, which she now does more frequently, and she makes the most beautiful portraits.
Rainbow Dash x Spitfire: Electric Fire
Elie, a bookworm, isn’t like her mom’s. She mainly goes to the Cloudsdale library and read all day, but sometimes she’ll go outside and just fly around. Her talent is teaching. She gets a job at the Ponyville Elementary School, and she loves working with the younger students.
Applejack x Bulk Biceps: Honey Cake
Saf is an intelligent chef who lives in Canterlot. Her restaurant is one of the best, other than The Tasty Treat, and she and Saffron Masala are business partners.
Fluttershy x Princess Luna: Lyric Star
Lyric is a famous singer from Ponyville, no one really knows her true parents, and she doesn’t care to share who they are. She’s got a voice like a songbird, and it’s one of her best qualities. Outside of singing, she’s a relatively calm mare, and she loves to watch foals when she’s not performing.