”Oh, woe is me!” Primrose feigned a dramatic faint, but couldn’t help cracking a smile. “What have I done?”
”Order in the court!” Wind banged her inflatable hammer on the table like a gavel. “You ate the last cookie! The very cookie you said I could eat! I know because you had crumbs on your face earlier, and your breath still smells like cookies!”
Primrose suppressed a giggle. “Alright, ma fille. You’ve got me. What is my sentence?”
“You have to make me TWO cookies now! And you can’t have any of them!”
”Okay, my little lawyer-“
”That’s Judge Wind Flash to you!”
”Okay, Judge Wind Flash. I’ll make you more cookies,” Primrose smiled good-naturedly and led her daughter into the kitchen. “Once again, you’ve restored justice in Equestria.”