
The Room  
by FeatherBlot
“She has a beautiful voice. It’s like a hum, that never stops.
Personal work of Feather I made last night. I turned it into a gif that goes with music, that you can find on my new tumblr account,
I’ve never really expounded upon the character much here, but FeatherBlot is one who can’t properly connect to people in ordinary scenarios, and has high social anxiety. He suffers from frustration being around others, and at his contradictory situation. He desperately craves for interaction, yet fears it at the same time. He’s prone to episodes of delirium, and to keep himself and others safe, he has a unique room he locks himself away in when he feels like his disposition is going to start a tumble downhill. His mood can range from hysterics and hallucinations of varying degrees and colors, or docile, completely unresponsive states. When alone in this room he allows his inner more darker thoughts and actions to roam, and he doesn’t bother to censor himself like he does in public. He clings to obsessions as they come and go, collecting objects of his affections and going to surprising extremes to get what he wants without disturbing others. The definition of “not disturbing others” however is one that changes general denotation when viewed in his perspective. For example, chloroform calms someone substantially enough in his eyes to “not be disturbing them”. Feather is usually harmless to others though, despite some murky past experiences he would rather blot out. In his current state of mind, he yearns to simply blend in and live a quiet enough existence in his library-slash-shop. After a life in the city, he longs for a simple, quiet existence out in the rurals.


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