Rarity: “Gracious, what got those two fighting?”
Twilight: “Red challenge Ravenhoof to a Magic Duel… “
Applejack: “…Again?”
Twilight: “Seem so…”
Red: “I WILL beat you this time!!”
Ravenhoof: “FAT CHANCE!!”
Red: “Did you say I WAS FAT!?”
Ravenhoof: “What!? NO!! I said- Oh Crap!!! O.O”<<Explosions Ripple across the sky>>
Fluttershy: “Gee, I… I hope they don’t get to carried away…”
Twilight: “Naw, Their training, I’m sure their being car-”<< A major explosion goes off>>
Pinkie Pie: “They look like their having a blast! _”
Rainbow Dash: “<.< Yeah… literally”
Applejack: “ :T …Betcha 20 bits he gets a win…”
Twilight: “Applejack!”
Rainbow Dash: “Oh yeah… I bet 40 bits on Red! >:T”
Twilight: “Really… Betting on those two?”
Applejack: <to busy to notice Twilight> “Go Raven! Mah bits ride’n on ya!”
Rainbow Dash: “Don’t count Red out yet, I’m sure she’s got some new tricks up her sleeve!”
Twilight: “Seriously, You two should feel bad for betting on your friends…”
Twilight: “…Besides… …Raven been fighting for years, I’m sure he’s seen it all.”
Rainbow Dash: <.< …
Applejack: <.< …
Rarity: <.< …
Pinkie Pie: <.< …
Fluttershy: <.< …
Twilight: “…40 bits on Raven…”