~~Story TIME! Yes this is Character looks exactly like Twilight Velvet. Why? In a Fallout Equestria Table top game i played with some friends, one friend hadn’t hardly watched any MLP. When we where choosing our minis for the game, he choose the Twilight Velvet mini. He didn’t know it was Twilights mom, but decided that his character Mystic Glory looked exactly like the mini.
Mystic Glory had a fun personality that involve her being a spoiled mommy’s girl. She always had the special privileges because her mom was the Overmare. With this, she ALWAYS boasted about being the Overmares daughter as an excuse to get her way.
In this same game When i was making Flash Heal i realized my 3 tagged skills was Magic, Medicine, and Science. So i choose the Trait that gives the character extra damage against what they where sexually interested in. With the game being ran by a male, it was statistically better to make Flash Heal gay in order to add something to combat.
Ultimately Mystic and Flash where both friends but also rivals, but cared enough to know if they lost the other, it would impact them dramatically. They both kept trying to out do the other, but each had their own specialties.