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Yay! Ponysona! EDIT: Now with shading!
Good gosh this took me FOREVER!First I tried to use real horse proportions, then I learned that the toys don’t have the same proportions/shape as the cartoons…
So, yes, it’s not perfect. But it’s the closest I’m going to get without having to move to a padded cell.
I am particularly proud of the wings & tail. The tail was a pain in the flank, but came out perfect. And I love the wings. Just, love.
Speaking of which, I feel I should explain why I’m a winged unicorn before I get accused of mary-sueing. I want you to imagine something: If Faust’s ponysona were to appear in Equestria, I’ll bet Pinkie Pie (being Pinkie Pie and all) would recognize her as the creator of the cartoon. All the other ponies would of course recognize her as someone extremely powerful, but wouldn’t really understand who she is.
I am working on a book series in which I, the author, appear in the story and interact with the characters. Only one of my characters knows that he’s a character in the book & that I’m the author - the rest just know that I’m all-powerful for some reason. (There’s more to it than that, but it would take about five and a half years to explain it all. )
I also enjoy sticking my main cast and my all-powerful self into other fictional settings & seeing what happens. If I were to appear in Equestria & take my characters with me, I would still be my all-powerful self - hence my cutie mark, which is the “logo” for my book. Yet notice, I’m regular pony-sized, because I’d rather hop around as a “regular pony” then have everypony going, “Gasp! She must be like/related to/as powerful as Celestia!”
And yes, my hopping avatar has wings. They’re just folded & hidden behind her mane.
I drew this in openCanvas, then inked & colored in Photoshop. By the way… anypony know if you can get the Pen tool to taper at the ends, and if so, how to do it? Thankies!


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