Sirius: Brother, please! Just smile for the camera. Mother is being very patient with you but we would very much like to move on from this.
Hazy: Good for you but I don’t feel like smilin’ when I don’t wanna.
Sirius: We assure you that going to camp is quite fun.
Hazy: How do you know? You’ve never been to one either.
Sirius: That is true but we have read many stories of camps and they are enjoyed by ponies of all ages.
Hazy: Really? Cause I’ve seen some book that take place in camps where ponies are murdered by psychos.
Sirius: S-surely, you jest! T-there’s no way mother would send us to a camp like that… right?
Hazy: Who knows. Maybe she has a secret sadistic side she hides from us.
Sirius: N-nay, mother is… Mother!? We aren’t going to a scary camp, are we?
Twilight: Hm? Who told you that?
Sirius: Are there truly stories of camps where ponies are murdered?
Twilight: Well, yes, there are but-
Sirius: We don’t wish to go anymore! Hazy was right….
Hazy: …Wow… just wow.
Sirius: …Hm? Who is there?
Hazy: Just me. I came to visit since counselor Timber said you were just moping about.
Sirius: We do not mope! We contemplate and review our past actions with sincerity and-
Hazy: Yeah, mope. Now shut up and relax. I found a book you might like.
Sirius: Have you now?
Hazy: Yea, its about stars and stuff. I don’t get it all that much but you being a nerd and all might. [starts reading]
Sirius: …Hazy?
Hazy: Hm?
Sirius: Does it hurt?
Hazy: …I thought we agreed not to talk about it.
Sirius: We know but not being able to see it is worrying us. You were bleeding so much and I-
Hazy: Vei, shut up! I don’t want to talk about it. As I said before, it’s fine.
Sirius: But-
Hazy: It’s. Fine. It doesn’t hurt and I’m not mad. It wasn’t your fault.
Sirius: That’s not what the other foals say…
Hazy: Well, they are all idiots so why listen to them. Listen to me. It wasn’t your fault.
Sirius: ….
Hazy: Now, shut up and let me read this boring shit before I fall asleep here.