
I know, It’s the middle of the week, but better late than never.
  1. As a child, Sonata was introduced to by her Dad to something called wrestling. She was captivated by it, all of it, the lights, the adrenaline, the suspense, the triumphant feeling you get when your pony comes out as champion. Rarity, on the other hoof, despises the whole idea of needless fighting and sweaty, smelly stallions pummeling each other over nothing. When she found out that her sweet, little Angel wanted to become one, she quickly shut down that dream.
    But Sonata persisted, and would practice kicks and lunges at furniture and her mothers maniquins. When Rarity saw she would not give up, she signed her tween daughter up for some ‘self-defense’ classes, so as to give her an outlet and save on expensive designer pillows. Unlike with Ballet, Sonata graduated with fling colors, particularly black, and made both her parents very proud.
  2. When the going gets tough, the tough order the most caffeinated coffee in the world so they can stay awake to finish a really important project. This happens unhealthily often. No, she has not slept in the past 17 hours, and yes, she will collapse into what I like to call, The Artist Coma.
    At this point, I’m feel like I’m ready to join you, Sonata.
    and yes, that is a real coffee, look it up.
  3. Young and naive Sonata once thought it was the best idea of the century to try her hoof at dress making. Taking scraps from her mothers scrap box, she worked in secret, hoping to surprise her. And surprise Rarity she did, to the point of fainting. Sonata never again attempted to make a dress, The that hideous thing still haunts her nightmares.
  4. All her life, Sonata has been cursed with her mother’s natural and attractive beauty that seems to make every stallion swoon, should she ever attempt to flirt with them ( she doesn’t and if she did, she’d stink at it). It wasn’t so bad….until high school came.
    Stallions of all kinds, nerds, preps, jocks, all tried their hoof at getting Sonata’s attention and hopefully, number. But Sonata, just….wasn’t into them, or the whole ‘dating’ idea for that matter. And none of them ever interested her, even the nice, decent guys. Now, it’s not like she won’t ever find a stallion. Romance just isn’t at the forefront of her mind right now. She’d rather just focus on her art and hobbies until she feels ready to commit to somepony else.


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