However, what he did not know was that Ceyla had thought up a thing to make the toy mroe intresting. So when he was not looking, Ceyla cast a spell on the toy and made it grow bigger and bigger, to the point it got so big that it landed on Cetas back.
After poofing in, Ceyla could see the result of her prank and offered Cetas some help to undo the spell, but Cetas did not trust her so he decided to do it himself, only to end up shrinking to the same size the toy was before, and in the process, transfering over his lost size into the toy wich now became so bit that it began to fill out Cetas hotel room. This resulting in Ceyla trying her best to withold a laugh over Cetas accident.
Cetas and Ceyla © Cetashorse
Sunset Shimmer © Fyreflye