Name: Sunrise Stardust
Strength 4+1 from Gifted(5) +2 from Early Bird=7
Perception 6 +1 from Gifted(7) +1 from Black Star Sunglasses(8) +2 from Early Bird=10
Endurance 4 +1 from Gifted(5) +2 from Early Bird=7
Charisma 7 +1 from Gifted(8) +2 from Early Bird=10
Intelligence 7 +1 from Gifted(8) +2 from Early Bird=10
Agility 6 +1 from Gifted(7) +2 from Early Bird=9
Luck 6 +1 from Gifted(7) +1 from Black Star Leader’s Jacket(8) +2 from Early Bird=10
. Gifted - You have more innate abilities than most, so you have not spent as much time honing your skills. All stats are raised by 1 point. You gain EXP 10% slower. You receive 4 fewer skill points per level.
. Early Bird - Hey early risers! Enjoy a +2 to each of your SPECIAL attributes from 6 am to 12 pm, but suffer -1 from 6 pm to 6 am when you’re not at your best.
Tag Skills: Speech, Science, Magic:All
Cutie Mark: The spiralling yin-yang of white-mooned darkness and day’s crimson sunrise, emblazoned upon a blazing, spiralling sun, representing cycles, changes, the sun and moon, conflicting concepts and their synthesis, the skies above and all within them, and above all… Magic.
Personality: Good. Optimistic, but realistic. Kind to his friends and troops, and leads them with a charismatic, infectious determination. Hates Zebras for what they did to Equestria, and is driven to rebuild his fallen homeland, no matter the cost. If future generations think he was too harsh when it came to dealing with the bloodthirsty savages and filthy raiders that overran his little patch of hell, and any who dared harm the family he made for himself, he will be fine with it, because he will be the reason why those future generations will have a life where such thoughts can be entertained, as opposed to “Gee, I sure hope Raiders don’t molest and/or kill me today!”.
Weapons: Ohhhh yes. (To be elaborated on later)