Series: Brony Tarot Deck
Size: 6” x 12”
Date: September 2017
Media: Ink and Prismacolor Pencils
I must be nuts to do another series, but I can’t help myself sometimes. Much like my friend, aeonofdreams, I am into Tarot and have done personal readings (for myself) off and on for over 10 years (got into it in 2003). So yeah, I am very familiar with it.
First off, I have to say I’ll only be tackling the Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck since doing the Minor Arcana would take me too long to figure out. Also, the idea for this series has been floating around in my head for a few years now and the main inspiration for it comes from a fellow Brony Artist, Card Stock the1king when he did something similar, only with a regular deck of playing cards. You can check that out here-
Anyway, onto the card itself. The Fool is an interesting card, because it can either be the first card or last card in the Major Arcana. For me the Major Arcana is a journey. The Fool is NOT someone to be underestimated. Normally the Fool is depicted as male, but my friend Lightning Bliss fits the characteristics of the Fool so that’s why I picked her. In fact, all the subjects of the Major Arcana I feel at one point (currently or in the past) fit aspects of them. The Fool may seem ignorant of where she’s going, but she’s not. The Fool out of any card in the suit believes in hope and is very plucky. A common depiction of the fool is someone walking off a cliff. I added the blindfold myself. The Fool though purposely chooses to take risks and I know Blissy has taken risks, especially now with her House searching. Gold is the color associated with the Fool so I wanted to integrate that into the picture. Also I miss doing environments in my artwork so it was nice to do that here.
I hope you like this picture Bliss. I do believe you’ll succeed in what you plan on doing.