I’ve actually debated posting this for a while, because I realised that most of my oc’s are pan; like almost all of them, except maybe two or three. So it’s not very interesting? (The reason is probaby that I’m panromantic, so I just default to that when creating a character (also it opens up more shipping possibilities, which is a plus). I admit I also feel a bit silly celebrating pride with magical cartoon ponies.
Anyway, Ambrosia, Moonstone and Aurora are pan, while Disco is ace and panromantic. Zap Apple isn’t quite sure what she is; she’s had crushes on male and female friends… she thinks, maybe. What does attractions really feel like anyway? Maybe she’s ace? Eh, who needs labels anyway, she’s here and queer. Kinyume is a huge lesbian (one of my few characters who are only attracted to one gender, she was created a looong time ago as a mary-sue-ish mare who I, I guess, explored my female crushes through? Either way, it’s such a big part of her character that I don’t want to change it) She’s also genderqueer, going by her/them, feeling both like a female but also like having no set gender if makes sense?
I drew my… pony-representation wearing ace and pan colors, because right now that seems to fit best? I dunno, it’s difficult to pin these things down; escpecially ace, since it’s hard to prove a negative, but I’m pretty sure I’m somewhere on the ace spectrum. I should probably have just gone with a rainbow for myself too.
Though honestly, I don’t think it matters that much? It’s good in that it helps you describe who you are and how you are feeling, but you don’t have to apply a label to yourself if you don’t find one that fit; just let yourself like the people you like?
I don’t know, I’m just rambling, it’s late here, have a nice pride month either way