Anthea’s daughters are the two eldest of the five, Corona and Solana, while Ebony’s daughters, Penumbra, Twilight and Helia, the, third, fourth, and fifth of the sisters, respectively. She grew up a happy, well-adjusted filly, with a studious, bookish nature and a reverence for the gods that fought so tirelessly for the freedom and protection of ponykind.
Here, she is around 16-17 years old. Her latent powers as the Goddess of the Stars won’t manifest until she reaches adulthood; until then, she is safe.
Twilight and Atlas were born to Almundra and Wheatley near the beginning of the Gryphon War, two white-coated alicorn foals with silvery swirl markings mirroring those of their mother. Twilight, the firstborn, had violet-blue eyes and a mane of dark and light blue streaked with orange, while Atlas has his father’s blue eyes, and a pale blue mane streaked with orange, yellow, and white. |
Knowing that with their individual roles in the role, especially with Wheatley leading the efforts, they wouldn’t be able to look after their children with the care that they deserved. Raising them in the family manor was unideal, due to a lack of companions their own age (aside from each other) and being brought up with their only mortal contact being with attendants, people to be ordered around. |
It was a difficult decision for Wheatley and Almundra to make, but they chose to place them separately as the scions of two of the many minor noble houses of the Queendoms, carefully disguised as to hide their true nature; Twilight as a unicorn, and Atlas as a pegasus. Raised with siblings, and loving adoptive parents, Twilight and Atlas would have everything they would ever need, and would be protected from the war. |
Though both parents (and Wheatley’s family) kept a close eye on Twilight and Atlas throughout their younger years, they never knew their true connection to the former Star, and Demigod. Both Wheatley and Almundra found every excuse they could to drop by and visit their children, and did everything they could to get the two families to meet each other as often as possible so that Twilight and Atlas could know each other. |
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