by Ravenia-Morelli
Full Name: Ravenia Morelli
First Name: Ravenia
Nickname: Raven, Ravy
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire Pony
Personality: Quick thinking, quiet, fighter, mysterious, wild, crazy, Sarcasm queen, Soft when she wants to be
~ Info:
• Loves quiet places
• Loves to wander in forests and on graveyards
• Loves night. Watching stars and the moon, and the feeling when the night air goes through her hair and wings.
• Loves flying (especialy fast flying)
• Loves Dream Catchers and everything to do with feathers.
~ Her Story:
Raven is a single child. Her realationship with her mother is unique. They love each other a lot. All life there was only the two of them. She never knew her father.. and to be honest she doesn’t even wanna know him. Her mom (Ianira) said Raven was a mistake. But- the best mistake ever. Ianira was raped and abused for a long time by one of the male vampires when she was kidnaped. She was too weak to protect herself. Ravenia swore to her mom that when she finds her father, she is gonna kill him for what he did.
Among vapires it is known that only males can learn how to fight - how to become warriors. Raven was always a fighter and acted like a warrior male. She wasn’t like female vampires. All pretty and harmless. After she learned what her father did to her mom, she swore to protect her. Since her mom was abused for months, she was badly wounded. Her wings were teared and broken, her legs twisted. She was medically treated, but she can hardly fly and she walks with difficulties. That’s why Raven is so pretective over her. When someone even looks at her mom badly, Raven goes into fighing pose and bares her sharp teeth. All ready to rip out their throat.
As a filly, she fought with males. (That’s why her right wing is wounded. She can still fly perfectly tho) But she is still girly sometimes. She loves to collect shiny things. And her favourite things are dream catchers and feathers.