Parents: Rainbow Dash (biological mum), Spitfire (biological mum), Soarin (Step dad)
Gender : Female
Species : Pegasus
Body Type : buff, average size
Special Talent : Tight turns and expert flying
Job : Wonderbolt Academy student
Likes : boasting, fighting, creating tornadoes and other weather, her parents alot, idol, brawls.
Home : A house near Wonderbolt headquarters
Bio :
Blitz is well a sassy girl, she likes to feel important to others and show off her skills. Her parents taught her everything she knows but that doesn’t stop her from going to secret fights and having brawls with other ponies. Shes a trouble maker and has been caught a few times fighting but still continues to do so.
With her freinds she is a joker, she loves to have a laugh and tell her stories to them while listening to theirs. She is one of the highest pupils in the academy and quite popular with the colts but she can get cocky and sabotage a class or show off too much causing a tornado, but she always finds an excuse out of it.