And here, as my second entry, I have one of my OCs, Ocean Blue, making pancakes in her own way. Don’t worry, she’s an expert at this.
Also, because it was only a two-entry challenge, I originally was going to do a story version of this, but went with the art version instead and posted the story version as a separate blog. Here’s how the story went:
It’s a beautiful morning as the sun rose and shone down on a lovely beach. Its rays entered a cave on the beach, where shiny seashells and dried-up coral lie around. Photos of a turquoise unicorn with green mane and tail hung around the cave among the rock carvings of furniture. The unicorn, named Ocean Blue, is lying in bed sleeping, but soon got up and stretched, feeling joyful for such a nice and sunny day. Feeling hungry, she got out of bed and went to her rock cupboard to bring out some pancake mix, a bowl, a plate, syrup, a pan, and butter, and also brought out a knife, a fork, a whisk, and a spatula from her rock drawer. Carrying this stuff with her magic, she walked over to the hole in the middle of the cave, which is full of water leading to the sea, and jumped in without holding a breath.
An expert in diving and living underwater with no need for air, Ocean swam through the water-filled tunnels with grace and kept her stuff from floating away. She soon approached a reef in the sea and started to make her breakfast on the ocean floor. Using her magic, she poured the mix into the bowl and added some of the water surrounding her. She whipped and stirred the mix up with the whisk and made the batter all fluffy and smooth. Then by holding the pan, she poured the batter on pan as not a single drop was spoiled by the water. With the batter in the pan, her magic made the pan warm, frying the batter on one side. Then using the spatula, she scraped the pancake off and flipped it, frying the other side. Soon, the pancake was done and she flipped it off the pan and on the plate, then added some syrup and butter. But Ocean wanted more to eat. So as all her stuff floated around her, as even the batter and butter were getting soggy and fish were interrupting her breakfast making, she repeated her underwater pancake making two times. Once she’s all set, she magically kept her stack of pancakes together, brought out the knife and fork, and started to eat her breakfast on the ocean floor, enjoying every bite of its fluffy, watery goodness. The taste of the pancakes were so delicious to her, thanks to her magic keeping them good and wonderful as they filled up her hunger. She soon gazed around the sea, watching the aquatic life go by while eating as some fish came by to take a bite of her pancakes.
Originally drawn in pencil. Colors, filters, syrup, butter, background, fish, bubbles, magic, pancake stuff and edits done in Photoshop.