
Meet Ivory Petals! The cousin of Princess Luciana [Fluttershy x Luna] and the daughter of Coco Pommel and Zephry Breeze.
This beautiful mare is the shyest, kindest and sweetest anypony can meet. On the surface! In truth, she is a charmer who uses ponies and manipulates them. She is vicious and enjoys using ponies weaknesses against them. She is jealous of anypony succeeding at their special talents, even if they aren’t similar to her own, and enjoys sabotaging them. She has gotten ponies jailed and she has little care.
She is a model for Photoshop [Photo Finish’s son] and is frequent in the Canterlot Uppercrust scene. Growing up, she was constantly compared to her cousin Luciana by teachers and peers and most ponies she found only tried to befriend her to get to her royal cousin. It caused a lot of resentment and in retaliation, she bullied the Princess a lot. Of course Azurite, Luciana’s other cousin, usually put her in her place when around. She hates her cousin with a passion and tries and fails to ruins her image.
Her parents are divorced and they have no other children. Her parents met during a modeling gig where Zephyr was doing hair for the models and Coco was providing the outfits. Coco was smitten with Zephyr’s fast-talking and despite Fluttershy warning her, they got married pretty fast and got pregnant within the year. Their marriage only lasted two years before Coco got fed up and realized what a mistake she had made. She did genuinely love him and he did love her but he was incapable of growing up and being a parent. He tried to woo her back over the years but it failed every time. Ivory Petals was raised primarily by everyone in her family but Zephyr as he never learned to parent. Forgetting to feed her, sleeping when he should be watching her, maybe taking her to a bar once. Or five times. In a month.
She loves her Mom but she resents her as during her early childhood her fashion career kicked off and she started spending a lot of time with her Aunt Fluttershy and Luciana while Coco traveled. She is known to treat everyone in her family like shit except Fluttershy because while shy, she doesn’t put up with her attitude. The black rose of her cutiemark represents her beauty and her ability to manipulate people to her will. Ivory is a lovesick filly and frequently has a revolving door of boyfriends. Of course, jealousy and manipulation always drive them off and she seems incapable of understanding it’s her fault.
Outside of being a major bitch, she does enjoy shopping and secretly knits in her free time.


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