Gender: Male
Race: Hippogriff/Seapony
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 20
Birthday: idk
Personality: A jokester, somewhat mischievous, but truly kind at heart.
Fears/Phobias: ehhh idk
Friends: Sandbar, Ocellus, Doozy
Enemies: TBA
Current Special Somepony: No one yet.
Crushes: idk
Sneakysea is a student at Twilight’s school of friendship.
He’s a good student, but actually kind of struggles a bit to do so. He knows a lot of “school hacks” and shares tips with his friends. He’s kind of sneaky and mischievous, but he tries not to explicitly break any rules though, and is good natured at heart.
He tends to have trouble staying focused in certain classes.