Somepony (perhaps somemuley?) just gave Saffron’s life’s work a particularly brutal critique, and Plaid is
about to go all tiger-wife on this old town. A pic to accompany a compelling JG-canon tale of love versus
perfection, art versus institution and Plaid and Saffron versus Alsesta “Don’t Call Me Zesty” Grandeur.You can read the story here:… …it’s by Gp3119 with an assist
from me! He and I don’t pick sides in this story, we’re simply along for the train wreck.mlp:fim = Hasbro/FaustHow odd it is to draw Plaid without her crazy colorful outfits, but it makes
sense that she would have to compromise her style when she’s on the clock…-Kaemantis / MustLoveFrogs
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