
Joystick grows up to become the best programmer Equestria has ever seen, by the time computers became a thing, everypony would kill to get Jojo to work for them. Her language makes everything so easy to undertand and to work with that it cheaps costs on production. The bad part is that she’s so busy with all her work she barely has time to spend with her girlfriend.
Jojo sure loves her work and feels so proud she managed to make herself value she can do nothing but smile all the time she sits on her computer.
But being all the time staring to a screen has its bad side, since she had to start using glasses. Her girlfriend says they’re sexy.

I’m not gonna lie, that Joystick won the poll where I asked which character you wanted to see more… kinda scares me hahaha jk I’m glad you wanna know more about her!!
Don’t worry, I know that shipping won the other one, I’m working on that


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