Look, he has three stars on his belt.
Twily, you’ve been quiet for a while,
Oh, well a princess needs her sleep.
Night Light here is showing his girl the beauties of the night sky, but I guess she’s still a little young for all that excitement. Don’t tell her mother that she went out past her bedtime, shh…
Any fond memories of your father? My dad drove me every early morning to my primary school, he would have some difficulty waking me up :3 . And he got me a drawing tablet which launched my passion for drawing.
This ATG, I seem to be sketching either romance or family scenes a lot. I blame the lack of time I leave to sketch these pieces.
Or maybe I just feel emotional with all the beautiful work and love from my friends Love you all <3
Sketch for Equestria Daily’s Artist Training Ground VII Day 22
Prompt: Draw a pony star gazing / Draw a pony being eclipsed