After bringing each individual volunteer for screening and study, I find myself in a lack of words on how describe this group of VLNT’s (Volunteers). 46 of them lack the ability to grasp objects, 34 lack the ability to grasp logic and 28 of them lack the ability to grasp common sense. Regardless, with enough sifting we found 16 perfect candidates for this specific experiment, so the list goes:
1.- Naisol Moontear: Feral-Equine, female, Averageweight, grey coat, brown hair with blue eyes. she seems to be sane enough, sassy and sarcastic but with a fond heart. Seems to have a knack for alchemy and hunting.
2.- Lotan Flan: feral-Equine/Pegasus, male, lightweight, blue coat, purple hair with blue eyes. an intellectual egghead that somehow lacks the ability to understand the danger he’s getting in, somewhat shy but forward. Knowledgeable in various fields.
3.- 48?…: feral-Equine/Pegasus, Male, Lightweight, gray coat, yellow hair with yellow eyes. A quite forward blunt stallion, seems lack a huge amount of morales and values and to top it off he is an alcoholic. Amatour farmer and surprising to hear that he admits to being a rapist?…
4.- Eissen Dargwell: feral-Equine/Unicorn, Male, Averageweight, orange coat, blue hair and eyes. A bit reserved to himself, has a sense of empathy and socialite. Skilled in maintenance and engineering.
5.- Sorren: Feral-Equine/Pegasus, Male, Lightweight, blue coat, brown hair with green eyes. one of the 34 that lack logic, seems to be a fluent liar with very high ego but very low empathy. Skilled and knowledgeable in mechanical warfare
6.- Bubbly Joy: Feral-Equine, Female, Lightweight, pink coat and mane with purple eyes. a surprisingly cheery mare, she was even anxious to step in and get the interview started, but somewhat concerning as even the questionable questions left her with a smile. Skilled in the fields of medicine and psychology, a well rounded nurse.
7.- Epoch: Feral-Cervidae, Female, Lightweight, brown coat no mane with green eyes. probably the youngest VLNT we have in this project, small in mind as she is small in body, nothing to notable other than positive morales and values. Amatour in the medical field, she has the knowledge but I doubt she has the experience.
8.- Milbo: Anthro-Reptile, Male, AverageWeight, cream scales, brown mane with blue eyes. A strange lizard hybrid in body and mind, his internal anatomy is strange yet feasible? He is a relaxed yet nervous type, somewhat geekish but he seems to contain a morbid curiosity under those innocent eyes. Skilled in the fields of mechanics and vehicles.
9.- Burnt: Anthro-vulpe, Male, AverageWeight, Dark coat and mane with blue eyes. quite forward and snarky personality, but tends to be a goof for either validation or just out of self boredom. Has a broad knowledge of flora and chemistry of it, almost tribal like fields of alchemy.
10.- Queer: Feral-Cervidae/Pegasus, Male, Lightweight, Brown coat, white mane with green eyes. An awkwardly shy if not almost cowardly behavior, was difficult to sort out and was almost rejected from the experiment. Doubtful if his current name is real or just an attempt to express homosexuality. Regardless he is probably the only VLNT with knowledge and skill in the field of visual arts.
11.- Luvashi: Anthro-Avali, Female, Lightweight, Blue coat and mane with green eyes. probably the most grounded VLNT of this group, while being questioned she showed high levels of Morales, Logic, Judgement and Empathy, but she lacked the intelligence or knowledge to realize the danger she is getting herself in. Has a broad knowledge of space exploration and planet exploration.
12.- AppleAle: Feral-Equine, Female, AverageWeight, brown coat, Magenta Mane with green eyes. Shows a passion towards caring for others, similar to how a mother cares for its offspring, but the levels of alcohol in her system might come from a past of issues. The mare has extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of culinary arts!, but seems to focus more in brewing.
13.- Xonali: Naga-Equine, Female, HeavyWeight, brown coat and mane with green eyes. Holds strong beliefs towards a religion, with an almost cult like mindset; she is very persuasive, but I am doubtful of her true intentions. Has almost shamanistic methods of medical treatment and knowledge and a strong understanding of CQC.
14.- Boleck: Feral-Cervine, Male, Heavyweight, Brown coat, no mane with green eyes. Oddly quiet but solid speaker as he stays on point, shows quality levels of empathy and social understanding, but his social skills might come from security guard training. Capable in combat in the fields of CQC and Firearms, well rounded on both.
15.- Amity: Anthro-Equine, Female, AverageWeight, Brown coat and mane with green eyes. A quiet gal with almost perfect symmetry, quite a beauty to behold. Very reserved and mellow personality and surprisingly smart, but not smart enough to understand the truth of this project. Has a Master’s Degree level of knowledge of space and planets.
16.- Natare: Feral-Equine/Zebra, Female, HeavyWeight, Black coat, white mane with blue eyes. The most straightforward VLNT of this group, what she lacks in common sense, knowledge, and intelligence, she makes up for with bluntness, coquettishness and violence. Background check shows to be an AWOL Security force from a military branch… Her former status is none of our concern, but her Solid military training shows her to be very capable at range combat of any type.
With this we conclude a basic summary of each individual participating on experiment “Survival of the fittest”, this simply forms a very brief synopsis to keep things streamlined. If you are required to access more in depth information of any of these VLNT’s, please contact INTEL DIVISION under the code XXXXXXXXXXXX.
Cause of popular demand I was kinda required to do this, so everyone gets an idea what each character in the game look like, their names and who they are.
regardless!, The first few weeks of action will be posted soon’ish!. stay tuned for more Rimworld action!
Special thanks too @postalpagepostoffice for the editor work.
Special thanks too @blissey1 for the editor work.
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