So Crystal ponies, still want to do some work with them. Not entirely happy with the results, nor were they. But that does not quell the little geolo… er investigator in me. From what I have noticed they gestate over longer spans of time due to their lifespans being extended past the average pony age expectancy. It seems to nullify the issue of over populations. Though that kinda goes out the window when a mare lugs about four eggs. Yes eggs. Gem quality mind you. The foals themselves are fully grown within them as well (at corresponding term). The eggs acting more as sorta a ‘stasis’ chamber if not protection. Which is of up most importance when the mares girth take on a translucent nature. Their other organs sit differently and tighter within their backs leaving much of abdomen to the uterus. Further more one would think that those eggs that are confining nearly fully-term-sized foals would be impractical for birthing. They also have a fix for this. Their bones are flexible, not to the extent of rubber but enough to allow the eggs to slide through the hip, which is also dissected by numerous tendons. Lets not go into the privy parts of the mares, for their sake ;P. Also to note is that their coats exhibit their nature even when they are away from the crystal heart.