So long ago, after Sweetie Belle had her Cutie Mark, her parents gave her a toy for her birthday. He celebrates all day with his friends. CMC, his friend Gamer (Button Mash), Diamond Tiara and other friends. The party lasts until midnight. Sweetie Bale had feelings that her parents’ toy was watching her. She did not sleep all night. The next day She did not even spend time with his friends Applebloom and Scootaloo. They too worried. That night Sweetie Belle could not sleep because of the noises she felt in the dark. Then she realizes that the toy was no longer in the room. The little foal begins to be scared. She tries to turn on the light. But the light did not light up. Sweetie hears the steps. She saw a monster ahead of herself. The foal screamed and woke everyone and the light re-energized. Rarity embraces the little sister full of tears. What will happen to Sweetie Belle? Will you tell the truth? Rarity and her parents will believe her?